Már szerda van. Gyorsan telik az idő. És azt kell mondjam, hasznosan is. Ma csupa olyan dologgal foglalkoztunk eddig, amivel ugyan már találkoztam, de nem tudtam, hogyan kell használni és legfőképpen, hogy miért :)
Today first we made some mind maps, which was not new, of course, but interesting.
Here is mine:
Then we worked with infographics:
The most emphasis was put on Augmented Reality. I was really happy about it since I knew what it was but I had no idea how to use it in teaching. So far! You know, this is something that makes the paper / the book / the photo / the picture alive. Sounds cool and it is.It needs quite a lot of practice and also preparation but I'm sure I will try it on one of my lessons.
2018. október 31., szerda
2018. október 30., kedd
ICT Brave Teachers
Második nap a bátor tanárokkal :)
Csoportunk neve a bejegyzés címe. Nem is tudom, miért ez lett. Mivel ez a második hete a kurzusnak, az olaszok pedig már itt voltak múlt héten, ők tudnának válaszolni rá.
Today we're working on our mobile phones. First, we did another QR Code exercise showing us how many different types of tasks we could include in one simple QR Code reading exercise. It's really useful to see!
Now we're doing CRAM. If you sign up to www.cram.com, you can create your own study sets of vocabulary - similar to Quizlet I guess. But you can memorize the words, test yourselves and play two games with the vocabulary learnt as well.
Really useful! This is the first time I'v met this website but I find it really cool. You can make up a topic, like travelling and organize all your stuff there, videos, articles, teaching vocab - so like adding a cram site. Everything is at one place and it's an easy access for your students.
This is my word cloud:
Finally a bit of a PREZI.
Csoportunk neve a bejegyzés címe. Nem is tudom, miért ez lett. Mivel ez a második hete a kurzusnak, az olaszok pedig már itt voltak múlt héten, ők tudnának válaszolni rá.
Today we're working on our mobile phones. First, we did another QR Code exercise showing us how many different types of tasks we could include in one simple QR Code reading exercise. It's really useful to see!
Now we're doing CRAM. If you sign up to www.cram.com, you can create your own study sets of vocabulary - similar to Quizlet I guess. But you can memorize the words, test yourselves and play two games with the vocabulary learnt as well.
Really useful! This is the first time I'v met this website but I find it really cool. You can make up a topic, like travelling and organize all your stuff there, videos, articles, teaching vocab - so like adding a cram site. Everything is at one place and it's an easy access for your students.
This is my word cloud:
Finally a bit of a PREZI.
2018. október 29., hétfő
Empowerment in ICT Skills: Making Use of Technology Tools
York városában, a York Associates nevű továbbképző központban került sor arra a kurzusra, amelyre az Erasmus+ program keretein belül pályáztam.
York gyönyörű város, hamarosan töltök fel képeket is, de az első feladatom a mai napról egyfajta visszacsatolást írni.
So here it goes.
I arrived at 7:45 to get to know the area and the people of York Associates. In my group there are 4 other colleagues - 3 from Italy (Rosaria, Rocco and Giuseppe) and 1 woman from the Czech Republic called Hana. Our trainer is Rick :)
After some coffee and introduction we started working on Google Forms. This application / site helps you create surveys, quizzes with lots of differents types of tasks. You can choose to make a multiple choice set of questions, or ask for short answers. You can add images, videos, QR codes to your quiz as well, and of course you can customize it with different background colours or images in the header.
After the break we had a session about QR Codes. We met different types of how to use the codes in the classroom. You can generate a QR code for mainly everything :) For instance, you want to show a video to your students and you want them to work individually at their own pace, you just give them the code printed, maybe even some questions with it, and let them use their code reader application. They will probably enjoy it much better than just reading a text on a piece of paper.
Why don't you check Rosaria's blog as well?
Surprise surprise the third session was about blogging.This is how it all started :)
See you tomorrow!
York városában, a York Associates nevű továbbképző központban került sor arra a kurzusra, amelyre az Erasmus+ program keretein belül pályáztam.
York gyönyörű város, hamarosan töltök fel képeket is, de az első feladatom a mai napról egyfajta visszacsatolást írni.
So here it goes.
I arrived at 7:45 to get to know the area and the people of York Associates. In my group there are 4 other colleagues - 3 from Italy (Rosaria, Rocco and Giuseppe) and 1 woman from the Czech Republic called Hana. Our trainer is Rick :)
After some coffee and introduction we started working on Google Forms. This application / site helps you create surveys, quizzes with lots of differents types of tasks. You can choose to make a multiple choice set of questions, or ask for short answers. You can add images, videos, QR codes to your quiz as well, and of course you can customize it with different background colours or images in the header.
After the break we had a session about QR Codes. We met different types of how to use the codes in the classroom. You can generate a QR code for mainly everything :) For instance, you want to show a video to your students and you want them to work individually at their own pace, you just give them the code printed, maybe even some questions with it, and let them use their code reader application. They will probably enjoy it much better than just reading a text on a piece of paper.
Why don't you check Rosaria's blog as well?
Surprise surprise the third session was about blogging.This is how it all started :)
See you tomorrow!
Amikor Anglia felé repülve kinézünk az ablakon..
Október 27-én keltünk útra Pintér Tünde kolléganőmmel a 6:30-as Ryanair járattal Manchesterbe. Korán keltünk, fáradtak voltunk, ugyanakkor izgatottan vártuk a továbbképzést!
Tünde Exeterbe repült tovább a manchesteri repülőtérről egy Mobile Pedagogy című továbbképzésre, amíg indult a gépe, én pedig a vonatra várakoztam, még ittunk egy utolsó kávét, mielőtt elváltak útjaink..

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