Why don't you check my first animation with it?
Funny, isn't it?
The project, for today, and this is what we are working on right now, is to prepare a lesson or a set of lessons and show how you would use the techniques you've learned here.
What I did is a lesson for my 6th graders about recycling. After brainstorming about environmental protection on answergarden.ch, I'll give them a QR Code with a video to watch about plastic in the ocean.
In the video 2 other QR codes are hidden - the first takes you to a website about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. That is a scan reading exercise with a Google Forms Quiz (I made it) while reading.
After that the video goes on and mentions the topic of the 6Rs. That's where another Code is generated for them to read on BBC's website about what the 6Rs are. It's just a short gasp, then getting back to the video and finishing it, they'll see it clearly what these numbers-letters mean.
To practice the vocabulary met here I prepared a CRAM flashcard set. Here they can memorize the 6 new words, test themselves and play as well.
Finally, infographics should be created. Students are given an example, a sample actually, that they have to use and make their own infograpics about the previously learned 6Rs. This is it :)
And tadam here is my diploma :)
Very nice,Gabi. Well done.
VálaszTörlésThank you Rick.
TörlésToday I tried some parts of the lesson I had prepared on our last day. It worked well! Kids liked using the tools!