2018. október 30., kedd

ICT Brave Teachers

Második nap a bátor tanárokkal :)

Csoportunk neve a bejegyzés címe. Nem is tudom, miért ez lett. Mivel ez a második hete a kurzusnak, az olaszok pedig már itt voltak múlt héten, ők tudnának válaszolni rá.

Today we're working on our mobile phones. First, we did another QR Code exercise showing us how many different types of tasks we could include in one simple QR Code reading exercise. It's really useful to see!
Now we're doing CRAM. If you sign up to www.cram.com, you can create your own study sets of vocabulary - similar to Quizlet I guess. But you can memorize the words, test yourselves and play two games with the vocabulary learnt as well.

Really useful! This is the first time I'v met this website but I find it really cool. You can make up a topic, like travelling and organize all your stuff there, videos, articles, teaching vocab - so like adding a cram site. Everything is at one place and it's an easy access for your students.

This is my word cloud:

Finally a bit of a PREZI.

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