2018. november 1., csütörtök

Negyedik nap

Háááát... azt kell mondjam, mára kipurcant a társaság. De lehet, hogy csak az időjárás :) Mindannyian elfáradtunk, főleg azok, akik a második hetet tapossák. Ülünk csendben és kattintgatunk. Rick meg mondja a magáét, aktív nagyon, de ez nem baj, ez a dolga. Legalább nem alszunk el, de tényleg.

Today we started with something not too easy. We downloaded SHOTCUT to edit videos and our task was to find a video on Youtube, download it, and create exercises around it, mainly insert them via QR Codes. Cutting, inserting was not as easy as it seems. My QR tasks included a Google Form quiz at the end of the video and a menu from a York takeaway where students should check the prices for some dishes.

Now we are working with TED. First, we simply found a video we liked and customized it, which means we just used the questions, the think and discussion points already prepared by someone.
Second, we found a video on Youtube, inserted it to edTed and created our own lesson around it. It takes much more time, of course, but it might worth it.

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